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Waldorf Curriculum

If humanity is to live in the future in a socially right way, humanity must educate its children in a socially right way.         
Rudolf Steiner



The right to play


In Waldorf pre-school education (Kindergarten) we allow children to develop their creativity by playing and doing arts & crafts.

Our Kindergarten, being situated directly at the Michaelis riverbed, gives us the opportunity of access to nature and outdoor activities on a daily basis.

The bilingual approach (English/German) is our medium of instruction, giving our learners a basis for future language development.

Our goal is to educate happy children in a healthy environment and prepare their social ability to learn in a group.



Primary School

Joyful Learning


Our Primary School offers a protective environment which nurtures the child emotionally, spiritually and intellectually through the integrative Waldorf curriculum applied to our unique, Namibian, social and geographic environment. Our children unanimously express their enthusiasm to be at school, their joy radiates visibly across the playground. The school’s position on the edge of the riverbed allows for free exploration into the natural world and regular excursions take place by all classes.



Middle School

Connect to the world


Our middle school curriculum and program for grade 7 to 10 is designed specifically to meet the unique emotional and social needs of young adolescents. It follows the general academic Waldorf Curriculum enriched by practical projects in wood work for grade 8 and basic vocational training for grade 9 and 10. To meet the needs of holistic education the learners continue with artistic lessons such as Drumming, Choir and Arts. Academic knowledge is carried into practical lessons such as sewing and textile printing.

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High School

Education for freedom

The Waldorf Curriculum is a comprehensive and holistic approach to developing well-rounded young adults, ready to take on all the challenges life throws at them. After completing the twelve years of Waldorf education the learner has the opportunity to write the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary at the end of the year. The whole thirteenth year is then devoted to obtaining the AS-Level.



A home away from home


The hostel on the school grounds provides a safe, stimulating and family-like environment for out-of-town WSW learners to reside during the week. About 20 children from grade 1 to 13 live in the hostel, whereby up to four learners share a room and a bathroom. Our shared facilities include a lounge with board games and a library, as well as a dining room with full-board services. Our dedicated staff assists the primary school learners with their homework in the afternoon. We further offer a wide variety of extra-mural activities including sports, arts & crafts and music. Our hostel learners are from various cultural, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Hostel life fosters communal responsibility and inter-personal communication.



Afternoon Care

Learning from one another


A typical day begins at 1 p.m. with eating lunch together, followed by homework supervision. The activities are for strengthening the sense of community and developing social skills. Among the activities on offer are: sport, circus skills, crafting, music-making, painting, baking and free play. The daily program is overseen by an educator and two  volunteers from the “Weltwärts” programme. At present we offer Afternoon Care for 20 children from Grade 1 to Grade 8, girls and boys.

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